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The Veda refers to a collection of vedic mantras in vedic Sanskrit. Vedas are eternal in nature and hence self evidence. These matras were also known as shruti and Amnaya. Veda mantra is not manmade, in the sense, it is not born of human intellect or human imagination or speculation. Mantras are deep spiritual truths and occurred phenomena revealed by the Devatas(Vedic Spiritual Gods) to the rishis (sages) in their deep meditation. Each mantra is a verse revealed to men and women of wisdom known as rishis. All of them are not revealed at a same time. The rishis numbered over 500, including women such as vaak, ambrini, apara, lopa mudra, turya, ghosha, etc. They were preserved orally for a long time. Only about 5000 years ago, they were committed to writing by Vyasa (Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa). These mantras are the earliest literary or poetic work of entire humanity. There are 3 types of mantras with the names of Rk Manta, Yajus Manta, and saman Manta. In course of time, perhaps around 4000 before Christian era, the single collection of mantras was divided in to 4 collections based on their use. And the names are Rg Veda (Mantras to invoke Vedic Gods), Yajur Veda (Mantras to perform Yajnas), Sama Veda (Mantras for Chanting), Atharva veda (Mantras for Administration of Vedic Yajna).


Goal of Veda is to achieve everyone all sided perfection, both individually and collectively. And to achieve that Vedas prescribe to Dharma and Yajna. What has been prescribed by Vedas, which helps mankind to progress towards all perfection and without creating any disturbance to the nature is called Dharma. Only Vedas propagate Dharma and Dharma can be known only by Vedas. There are three major categories of Dharma propagated by Vedas. Samanya Dharma - (Satya=Truthfulness, Nyaya=Common Justice, Ahimsa=Non-Violance, Dharma Rakshana=Protection of Dharma,...) which has to be carried out by all, Apat-Dharma - (Protecting Animals & Property, Helping Poor and ill,..)which needs to be dispensed at the time of calamity or in case personal of emergency and Varna-Ashrama Dharma - (Study of Knowledge=Medicine, Protection=Defence, Business and Trading, Service,... ) which needs to be followed as per age and social responsibility. Bhagavan Sri Krishna also re-iterates the theological and philosophical truth propagated by Vedas, and hence also called Pramana (self evident/proof) for Knowledge.


Implementing Dharma prescribed by Vedas is called Karma. Dharma is termed at a collective level and Karma is at a Individual level. Karma is Veda prescribed Duties & Responsibilities towards Family & Society. Karma also includes Karma Phala Paapa (Result of Wrong/bad Karma) & Punya (Result of Good Karma). Both phala will come back to haunt the individual in this life or in next life. There are different types of Karma, and they are Varna-Ashrama Dharma Anushtana Karma :- Following Varna and Ashrama specific Profession. Ishta-Purtha-Datta Karma :- Helping poor, ill in Family and Society. Nitya Karma :- Following Sandhyavandana and other Self purification Vedic Practices. Naimittika Karma :- Performing Samskaara Karma like Naming Ceremoney, Marriage, till Death Ceremony. Prayaschitta Karma :- Performing Karma like Daana (giving Food & money) to reduce Papa Karma Phala. Upasana Karma :- Performing Yajna, Pooja to gain wealth, health and so on.


Goal of Veda is to achieve everyone all sided perfection, both individually and collectively. And the achievement of life has been described as Purusharthas. Vedas prescribes different types of Yajnas to achieve different needs & desires (Kaama & Artha) at individual and collective level. There are four Purushartha (Main Goal of Life), and they are Kaama :- The natural desires (without inidvidual or collatral or damage to the Nature). Artha :- The means (instrument = Money/Wealth) to get and fulfill the desires (without inidvidual or collatral or damage to the Nature). Dharma :- The framework prescribed by Vedas to fulfill all Artha & Kaama. Moksha :- Libration from the painfull cycle of life-illness-death-rebirth.
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